Amy Mowles to Present Webinar on ASC Surveys (Sept. 11)

Amy Mowles, president and CEO of Mowles Medical Practice Management, will deliver a webinar on Sept. 11 on "How to Survive ASC Surveys."The 60-minute program begins at 1 p.m. ET (10 a.m. PT).To register, click here.--Program DescriptionLearn the best practices for critical ASC survey preparation!Do you know the differences between State License surveys, Medicare certification surveys, and Accreditation surveys? In order to prepare for a typical state survey, you need to know how to differentiate them. In this audio conference, you’ll find specific clarification of the Medicare Conditions for Participation and how to ensure their implementation.Here are the Accreditation Standards and how you should apply them. Troubleshoot now, before you hit any snags. Learn the best practices for critical survey preparation.Our expert presenter, in this ASC training conference, will show you how to organize your data for easy compliance and ace your surveys. You’ll get subject by subject tips and receive lots of resources for success! Plus, you’ll walk away with an easy to follow checklist for compliance!This session will help you:

  • Identify who has jurisdiction over specific regulations or standards.
  • Compare and contrast conditional versus standard deficiency.
  • Learn how to submit a plan of correction.
  • Coordinate results timing — here’s how to set the pace for success.

Ask a question at the Q&A session following the live event and get advice unique to your situation, directly from our expert speaker.Who should attend? Administrators, Medical Directors, ASC Owners, Director of Nursing


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